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What we do

Sorry Mum Film Productions makes feature films and high quality commercials. We can do this independently, in cooperation with, or on behalf of third parties. We specialize in accurately constructing the experience of the viewer and the fictional reality in which this experience can take place. If possible, we will do the impossible to obtain this result. We only supply custom work and offer you unrivalled results within your budget limits.

Interested? contact us.


Film is an illusion. And we control that illusion. With our detailed design, we provide the viewer with audiovisual impulses which are timed precisely and designed and manufactured with great care. Through these impulses, the viewer constructs the new filmic reality. This is how we establish the development of the viewer's thoughts and feelings and how we accomplish the original goal of every film.


We aim to use the right means for the right purpose. Assembling that one specific photo lens of grandmother’s? Or letting that car drive off the bridge for real, while jumping out with a somersault at the same time the bridge is being blown up? It is important to come to a convincing whole. In constructing this, we know no limits and, most importantly, we understand why we do something.

Enthusiastic Lunatics

To be able to actually realize extreme designs to the extreme perfection, we work together with competent specialists. They will build the decor, the army of zombies, the specially prepared car or an entirely new not-yet-manufactured product for you.

Adequate locations

You do not film the sunrise in the Polish mountains in the studio, but in the Polish mountains in the morning. The girl in your trunk on the other hand, you just film in the office. We understand where you have to film in order to get the desired result and we can rely on an extensive collection of film locations from high-up in the air to deep into the ocean.

Our team

David Dijkzeul

Concept development and scenario

All-round philosopher with expertise in aesthetics and literary science. The man who monitors all the details of the story so that every concept is correct and therefore works.

Thomas Kaduk

Concept development and direction

All-round inventor with a strong aptitude for creating new experiences. Film director with great background knowledge, rich experience and a clear performance.

Tom Gerritse

Production and commerce

Experienced project manager with a predilection for audiovisual products. He is the realist who always makes our exorbitant projects financially feasible.

Our partners

Arjan van Drunen

Practical effects

Tanja van der Knijff

Hair and set dresser

Emma Breukhoven

Bloody mess and dress


Audio recording

Dave Diepenbach


Alexia Trashka

Art Department

Willem Blonk

Camera and postproduction


Engelsmanplaat 52, Utrecht

Do you have any questions?

No wonder you wanna make a movie with us.